Thursday, April 29, 2010

I know the anticipation has been mounting... I present to you the first photoshoot of the 2010 wedding season.

Engagement: Kristin & Brandon

I don't want to make a habit of distracting you guys with my words on these kinds of things, but I do want to make mention of how awesome this shoot was. Kristin and Brandon we're champs. We were supposed to shoot on Sunday, but due to 25 mph winds and rain, we rescheduled... and then, two hours before we were set to go on Wednesday night, Brandon calls me to let me go that Kristin burned herself while at work and was at the doctor. She toughed it out and we were able to go ahead with schedule. We got set up and were rolling just in time to enjoy that "golden hour."

One of the big reasons I started this blog is to keep you up-to-date with my photography without changing my website every time I turn around. So, stay tuned in and check back from time to time. I would love to know your thoughts and get your feedback! And by the way... it's okay to tell all your friends :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

A few weeks ago, I had this moment where I knew which way to take my next step. I'd had this hunch for some while... I even tested it once before. But this time, my "moment" gave me peace and clarity.

The goal for my commercial photography is product advertising.

Let me tell you, its perfect. Its not flashy, its not showy, it just is. I've struggled with how to approach my career for some time. I feel like most directions within my industry require selling a bit of your soul to someone or a way of life. Im not willing to give up a simple life for tons of money. I prefer to stay a course I enjoy and take whatever it brings.

And the funny thing is by accepting where Im at, Im happier. I don't feel the need to judge myself according to those around me. I have ideas and I want to execute them well. My driving force is artistry and taking care of my family.

An excerpt from this article describes my old motivation perfectly:

"Rather than building confidence, I was accumulating doubt. As my business expanded, I grew nervous and self-conscious. I began to feel as if my accomplishments weren't enough, that I had to take things to "the next level." I thought if I didn't get there fast enough, I'd be bowled over by the competition."

Here are some images that have come from this new direction.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's late (in married time, of course. Its only 9:41 pm), Liz has already gone to bed. I just downloaded the leaked version of Band of Horses' new album Infinite Arms. The vocals of their fourth song, Blue Beard, transcended me to somewhere outside of my dimly lit office. Somewhere where my incessant thoughts couldn't bog me down. And it was good. I felt peace. The past few nights I've been reading CS Lewis' A Grief Observed. Each morning Liz would ask me what i thought and I can never come with anything other than "... it was good." Truth is, I wasn't reading to tear it apart. It had that same ability to transcend me to somewhere else. I was able to put myself in Lewis' perspective and feel something different. It was some place where my incessant thoughts couldn't bog me down.

What I'm trying to say is my mind races. About everything. It always has...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

We are already 8 days into April... and while that might not mean much to you, it means that April 5th has come and gone. Likewise, that may be of no consequence; however, that means I can spill some beans.

Liz is preggers.

For the past month and a half, Liz and I have lived with the knowledge that we're going to be having a kid in the near future. I find it funny, after most people find out, they inevitably ask, "We're you trying?" Let me assure you, this was an accident. We would have loved a good five years before all this started.

My good friend, Josh, puts it beautifully. "I'm not sure that I'm done with being selfish." Me either. At least, for those first few days. Now that we've had some time, we definitely recognize the inopportune timing, but we're excited. I've had to pull away from hanging with large groups of people, because I have such a hard time with keeping the information to myself.

So, why April 5th?

That's the day we went to the OB/GYN. She told us all the answers that we wanted to know... and gave us this picture. She said everything is good and healthy. Liz's due date is October 23rd. We'll find out the sex of the child in two months. You have to be at least 19-20 weeks pregnant, and Liz is currently 11 weeks and a few days.

Keep us in your prayers...