Saturday, September 13, 2008

"families are a refuge in good times and bad, a warm place of peace where acceptance reigns"

On this earth, family is most important: a priority that until recently, i haven't enacted. I've understood that family was important, but recently, I've not appreciated my family. A few months ago, i decided to make a change: to love, unconditionally. This is a lofty goal, and by no means do I practice this successfully. Its amazing how making this my aim has made life exponentially more enjoyable. Even more importantly, it has given me a greater appreciation for the group of individuals I'm blessed enough to call my family.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The only thing certain about life is that it ends.

I have a friend who's nephew has a terminal illness. It has ravaged his body. A few days ago, someone informed me that the child may pass in the near future. Hearing this put me in a somber mood. I think back to my friend... i know that he has prayed with everything in him that his nephew would be healed (his entire family too). However, it has meant nothing. Even if he gets better, he will die eventually.

I have another friend who is battling a cancerous tumor in his brain. Its a depressing situation. Around every turn, he faces a new obstacle. Hearing about his latest hurdle, i assured him that i would continue to pray for him. As i began to pray, i had a troubling thought. What do i pray for? Do i pray against the inevitable? Maybe its not cancer that takes his life; maybe its old age.

So what do I pray for? How do we pray for friends? Do we ask God to heal or make our burdens lighter? Or do we ask, no matter how long, short, or difficult one's journey, we learn to embrace our experiences and rely on God?